The Geothermal Association of Ireland


Embracing the most plentiful and sustainable energy source from the Irish landscape

Our Goals

The GAI promotes the development of geothermal energy in Ireland through:

  • Industry Sector Representation
  • Education & Awareness
  • Standards for the Industry

Some Geothermal Energy Facts

  • Geothermal sources allow 3-4 units of heat to be produced by heat pumps using 1 unit of electricity.
  • It allows for heating and cooling of homes, offices, industry and large conurbations.
  • Geothermal is a low-carbon, viable, sustainable source of energy.
  • Ireland has an excellent source of shallow geothermal energy reserves. 

Our Story

The Geothermal Association of Ireland (GAI) was formed as a not for profit association in 1998 to promote the development of geothermal energy in all its forms in Ireland. GAI is committed to education and awareness building to promote the use of geothermal as a sustainable energy system in Ireland.

Meet The Committee

Irene Pascual

Irene Pascual


Irene is an enthusiastic geologist in the early stage of her professional career. She has a B.Sc. (Hons) in Geology from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Her professional experience involves geotechnical engineering, environmental geology, geohazards, onshore renewables and Irish grid transmission system. Irene was elected as the chair of the GAI in 2024.

Ric Pasquali

Ric Pasquali

Vice Chair

Ric is a Professional Geologist with over 20-year experience in consultancy, project management and project development.  His core areas of expertise include geothermal energy project development  (shallow and deep), resource assessment and development of solutions for different end-users. Ric has also participated in NSAI & CEN technical working groups in development of standards for GHSPs and borehole heat exchangers.

Keith Harlin

Keith Harlin


Keith has a BSc. In Geology from University College Dublin and an MSc. In Environmental Geology from University College CorkThrough work as a consultant hydrogeologist and geothermal geologist, Keith has recognised the vast opportunities for geothermal utilisation across the Island and is keen to play a role in the development of the technology.  Keith joins the GAI in the role of secretary and will help lead and support the growth of the sector.

James Byrne

James Byrne


James is the founder of  OPNBuildings and has over 30 years experience in the HVAC sector in Ireland. He began his career in the family engineering business and went on to study HVAC technology in Bolton Street College (now TU Dublin). He is the Treasurer of GAI.

Rory Dunphy

Rory Dunphy


Rory is a highly experienced geoscience professional with over 18 years technical and stakeholder management exoerience in Ireland. With this extensive experience, Rory brings to the GAI a unique skill set for supporting the development of the sector, understanding of stakeholder needs and to ensure that inclusive approach to promoting our geothermal sector is achieved.

Joe Ireland

Joe Ireland


Joe is a  field-tested engineer with experience working on various projects across multiple disciplines.  He is pursuing his passion for climate, energy and the subsurface by completing a Ph.D. at Queen's University Belfast researching Geothermal Energy in Northern Ireland. Joe manages communications including our social media and newsletter.

Paul Stafford

Paul Stafford


Paul has a BSc in Geology and an MSc in Petroleum Geoscience,  He is the lead for Geothermal Development at GDG.  Paul has served for a number of years on the GAI committee in different roles and his experience will help the GAI membership tea, reach out to new stakeholders on the Island.

Clodagh Gillen

Clodagh Gillen


Clodagh has a BSc in Earth and Ocean Science from NUI Galway and an MSc in Hydrogeology from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Clodagh has worked in Groundwater Relief, and the Tellus project. She is currently undertaking a PhD in mine water geothermal at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. She joins the GAI as part of the membership subcommittee.

Graham Andrews

Graham Andrews


Graham  has two decades of experience as a geology professor, Graham has transitioned into a role as an independent geological consultant.  He joins the GAI as part of the communications team.

 Our Members

Big names in the industry

Membership of the GAI provides access to networking opportunities with industry leaders and stakeholders, a voice in policy development and easy access to key industry information and developments

Douglas Carroll Consulting Engineers
Walls Well Drilling
Douglas Carroll Consulting Engineers