About Us

The Geothermal Association of Ireland (GAI) was formed in January 1998 to Promote the Development of Geothermal Resources in Ireland. The GAI is a member of the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) and of the Global Geothermal Alliance (GGA).

The GAI promotes the development of geothermal energy in Ireland in:



GAI encourages its members to get involved and can show how to access EU and national funding & supports ongoing geothermal research activities throughout Ireland.



  • Conducting and participating in seminars, field trips, conferences, presentations to the public & private sector.
  • GAI is involved with measures to accredit and certify heat pump manufacturers, installers and suppliers.



  • Publication of GAI newsletter
  • Organising GAI field trips, conferences & workshops


Policy Support

Submissions to Government consultations in Ireland and Northern Ireland

Participation in Geothermal Policy consultative committees including:

  • Department for Economy (NI) -  Geothermal Advisory Committee Members (NI GAI)
  • Department of Environment, Climate & Communications - Geothermal Advisory Committee Members (DECC - GAC)



  • Over 60% of ground source heat pumps installed in Ireland over last 5 yrs have been by GAI members.
  • Research and promotion of low enthalpy hydro geothermal energy based on shallow groundwater now utilized in numerous public buildings in throughout Ireland.