16/10/2013  We are proud to have SEAI as the main sponsor of the 3rd GAI conference taking place next month. See Events page and conference page for more details.

21/6/13 Strategic Research Priorities for Geothermal Technology (heating & cooling) and Geothermal Electricity online! (via http://www.egec.com/)
The Renewable Heating and Cooling Platform's Geothermal Technology Panel has published the Strategic Research Priorities for Geothermal Technology (heating & cooling) and the Strategic Research Priorities for the Geothermal Electricity (TP Geoelec).

31/5/2013  Brecan Mooney 2013 Non-Domestic Installation of the Year Competition - competition now closed
We are currently evaluating entries... winners will be announced at the November Conference!

31/5/2013 UK RHI GSHP rates to double (via http://www.gshp.org.uk)
DECC announced an Early Tariff Review of Commercial RHI rates on 31 May 2013 – following intensive lobbying by the GSHPA over the 18 months since the Commercial RHI started in November 2011. DECC now proposes a dramatic increase in RHI rates for GSHPs to respond to a take up of less than 1% of the number of installations DECC had originally anticipated. See RHI – Commercial.

14/5/2013 REGEOCITIES: Presentations from past national validation workshops are now available (via http://regeocities.eu/)
The Irish workshop took place in Dublin in April. See the REGEOCITIES pages for more information and to download the Irish results.

08/02/2013: GAI AGM preceded by site visit to UCD thermal characterisation equipment and IRETHERM update lecture. UCD, Belfield Campus, Dublin 4.

17/11/2012: Geothermal Association of Ireland fieldtrip
Visit to GMIT instrumented ground source heat research installation.

05/11/2012: Geothermal Association of Ireland Lecture, Geological Survey of Ireland
Deep geothermal energy potential of the sedimentary basins of NE Ireland
Derek Reay, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland

01/05/2012: Joint Geothermal Association of Ireland/International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group) Lecture, Geological Survey of Ireland
Deep geothermal drilling in a city centre: the Newcastle Science Central Borehole
Paul Younger, Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability, Newcastle, UK

02/03/2012: GAI AGM held at the Geological Survey of Ireland, Dublin 4.
The AGM was followed with short presentations given on:
- Tellus Border and applications for geothermal energy. Mairead Glennon, GSI.
- The Shallow Geothermal Resource Project. Monica Lee, GSI.
- IRETHERM, Mark Muller, DIAS.
15/10/2011: Eurotech Renewables Ltd wins the Inaugural Brecan Mooney Award for Geothermal Installation of the Year 2011. Refer to Awards page.

Eurotech Goes Green Winning Walk

17/08/2011: Photos from IKEA Field Trip and AGM of 15 June 2011

16/06/2011:  Geothermal Association Conference 2011 Presentations

10/05/2011: GAI Conference “Geothermal Energy Progress and developments in Ireland and Internationally”, Kilkenny